Friday, June 19, 2009


When a Filipino -- or any person for that matter, celebrity or not -- is celebrated for what he does and not for who he is, then he is a HipFlip.

This is an homage to anyone that extols quintessential Filipino traits impacting the lives of the Filipinos. Whether she has the face that could launch a thousand space shuttles and helps feed a million kids, an unassuming cab driver who returns a brief case full of foreign currencies, or a twittering social-networker / facebooking blogger / fierce Philippine advocate, this HipFlip deserves to be immortalized in the searchable archives of the ether. No bronze life-size bust for him nor an Oscar statuette for her, just an honest adulation from a grateful people and an honored spot in the HipFlip roster.

I shall post about these noteworthy individuals in a series of blogs. And yes, you may share who should be included in the list as well.

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