Saturday, June 20, 2009

Your Other Country (Only Better in Many Ways)

Can you call yourself a stranger in a foreign land when you absolutely feel right at home right away? An exercise in paradox perhaps, but the Philippines might as well be that other country -- your other home- you never knew you had only far stranger than you have imagined yet more familiar than it can possibly get.

Welcome to the land of pleasant paradoxes and exceeded expectations (yours, that is)!

Blessed with a generous sprinkling of 7,107 islands in the Pacific, the Philippines beckons with paradisiacal allure and a welcome respite from the harried world and a hurried life. Here, we live the art of living, master the intricacies of relationships, and cultivate the passion for life.

It may as well be just another archipelago of emerald isles that break the monotony of the mighty ocean if not for its people who are its real gem, the Pacific's true pride. For centuries, guests and conquerors attest to the warmth and hospitality of the Filipinos which is second to none. When the 16th century circumnavigator Ferdinand Magellan reached its shores, his men expressed their desire to end their quest for the Spice Island when they experienced what to them were the spices of life : lavish feasts, bounteous life, and the inclusive nature of a hospitable people (of note were the beautiful women).

These are just some of the obvious reasons why I made it my ardent cause to tell everyone of this wonderful place the world can call home; to experience what it is like to be a friend, a stranger, and a family member all at the same time: a friend because you will never feel left out, a stranger because it is okay to be different and yet be accepted, and a family member because you may end up marrying one of the gorgeous women we have here (now that is another story)! Kidding aside, you will find a kinship, a sense of belonging with the Filipinos the moment you witness their unpretentious smiles, relish their unconditional welcome, and experience their unscripted lives. In fact, we have elevated hospitality from an art form to a time-honored tradition where you can actually get to feel and experience what it is to be a Filipino inside looking out and not some outsider looking in. And yes, your pictures may tell a thousand and one words of what the Philippines is like, but your heart will nest a feeling of what it is like to be a Filipino.

To the world, you are a traveler. Here, you are family.

Friday, June 19, 2009


When a Filipino -- or any person for that matter, celebrity or not -- is celebrated for what he does and not for who he is, then he is a HipFlip.

This is an homage to anyone that extols quintessential Filipino traits impacting the lives of the Filipinos. Whether she has the face that could launch a thousand space shuttles and helps feed a million kids, an unassuming cab driver who returns a brief case full of foreign currencies, or a twittering social-networker / facebooking blogger / fierce Philippine advocate, this HipFlip deserves to be immortalized in the searchable archives of the ether. No bronze life-size bust for him nor an Oscar statuette for her, just an honest adulation from a grateful people and an honored spot in the HipFlip roster.

I shall post about these noteworthy individuals in a series of blogs. And yes, you may share who should be included in the list as well.

8 Simple Wishes for the Philippines

1. For Smart and Globe to have unified basic services and charges lessening consumer confusion and frustration

2. For MRT to rid its trains of the ghastly, garish wrap-around advertisements sacrificing their aesthetics and iconic status for wanton commercialism

3. For ABS-CBN and GMA to stop perpetually aping each other and elevate broadcasting to an art form-- a holy cow rather than a cash cow

4. For our soldiers to enjoy Kuh more than coup

5. For politics, showbiz, sports, and church never to be used in the same sentence (excluding this one)

6. For all hypocritical religionists to get caught with their pants down

7. For the lip-serving, tax-evading politicos to die of foot and mouth disease

8. For the Filipinos to be really worth dying or living for (Remember Ninoy)